Work Packages
The iTalk2Learn project is run as seven distinct, but interlinked work packages.

Relationship between all seven iTalk2Learn work packages
WP1: Robust Learning in Elementary Mathematics
The first aim of this work package is to provide cognitive models of the learning process in the specific areas of the domain of elementary mathematics, as targeted by the project’s pedagogical application scenarios. The second objective of the work package is to provide pedagogical models that represent knowledge about the levels and types of guidance that should be provided in a given learning situation.
WP2: Adaptive Intelligence for Robust Learning Support
The aim of this work package is to provide data and background knowledge in order to drive efficient intelligence for various aspects of robust learning systems.
WP3: Intuitive Interaction Interfaces for Elementary Mathematics
The aim of this work package is to design and develop innovative and intuitive interaction interfaces for learning, including voice and direct manipulation user interfaces that are appropriate for the iTalk2Learn target group, but general enough to be used elsewhere.
WP4: Deployment and Integration
The aim of this work package is to provide a flexible and scalable infrastructure for the elements of the system (that are developed in the other work packages), so that those elements can be exchanged independently from each other and eventually be replaced by other elements, providing a testbed for future technologies.
WP5: Data Collection and Evaluation
This work package has two main objectives: formative evaluation activities aimed at informing the project about the current state of the platform, and summative evaluation activities (including two field trials) aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the project.
WP6: Dissemination and Exploitation
This work package has two objectives: coordination and implementation of dissemination activities performed by all partners in the project, and planning and preparation of exploitation of project’s results.
WP7: Project Management
The aim of this work package is to manage and coordinate communication and interaction between project participants and the commission, as well as to manage the implementation of project tasks.